Just moved my blogs from the old web site, http://fyhao.wordpress.com
The decision I made for moving blogs to http://fyhao.qxinnet.com is to giving a chance for me to explore more things about WordPress, explore more thing about technical information and method that can learnt from the world. I will placed it in this web site.
And for the language for this blog, I will mainly using English for my mouth word. But may be some times I will using my mother tongue, Chinese, to publish my blog, to share my feeling to my friends.
Currently I have opened a blog web site from blogger, http://fyhao.blogspot.com, I think I will continue to do it because I also need to explore the stuffs from there.
Here, maybe the better place for me to talk my feeling about surroundings.
Perhaps the new year is coming, it will take the good news coming to.