And then, now, I want to set Border Color 1, and I clicked Get Color Button at the right. It will show the color dialog as shown below.
Once I have selected any colors, the hexidecimal form of the color will be shown as below. Now, it noticed that if I need fill in Border Color 1 I have checked Border before I proceed. This is the validation done by checking with predefined rules. And another validation applied is the MUST filled in fields, such as keyword, if not filled in when you click OK button, it will prompt you “you are required to fill in xxx”. Another validation applied will be number. For example, if you write alphabecs in Width or Height, it will prompt the message where you only can input integer.
OK, now, let us click OK. The Imgshow API will be automatically called, and get the related Youtube to us.
Lastly, before we proceed to Imgshow Platform above, we need to update our Imgshow service list first. You have to manually update yourself at the first time. However, it will automatically updated weekly when you use Imgshow Plugin.
Why we need update Imgshow service list?
It is because sometimes Imgshow platform will have added some new features and new functionalities, and it is very good for the user to get the latest update in order to enjoy the best service delivered to them.
Last word, as you can see the user interface design stills look simple and needs more decoration. I will try my best even I have no design and color feeling in my brain.
Now, I am able to post Youtube, post PDF files online rendering, and even more, easily.
so this is one example of imageshow? this comment post
Yes, Imgshow platform provides great package of utility functions that can be integrated in any website in very easy manner.
Check here http://fyhao.com/showcase/imgshow/