Imgshow Platform added support for Microsoft Bing Map

Imgshow Platform added support for Microsoft Bing Map. The websites that had installed Imgshow Platform can easily embed Bing Map into their web pages.

For Discuz! forum who had installed Imgshow Platform plugin, they can enable this feature, by entering into their Discuz! Admin Panel, then go to Plugins -> Imgshow Platform, clicked on “Fetch latest Imgshow Service”, and then “bingmap” code will be automatically added. It is available for both English and Chinese version.

View the help details on how to embed Bing Map into Discuz! forum,
English version:
Chinese version:

Imgshow on Facebook also supported Bing Map service. For example, you want to show “Singapore”, you may have two ways:
1) Imgshow Query Language,center=Singapore

2) Or this convenient way

After you get right the map with the URL you assigned, then you share it to your wall.

Author: fyhao

Jebsen & Jessen Comms Singapore INTI University College Bsc (Hon) of Computer Science, Coventry University

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