Showcase on Real time video sharing built on nowJS

I am learning nowJS, a framework to build real time application built on Node.JS, and had made a simple web application that is able to share screen to the other clients in real time. This apps includes client side and server side is 100% completely written in JavaScript.

I had recorded a video and exported into HTML5 Webkit compatible video clip, and included into web page using HTML5 <video> tags. And then, the screens will be copied into HTML5 <canvas>. After that, the magic comes, the screen in HTML5 <canvas> will be real time broadcasted to the other client browsers (tested on Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Apple Safari Browser runs on iPhone, or webkit browser). I had applied some algorithms to manipulate the video as well. The canvas also allows simple line drawing. At the end, the results of the canvas will broadcast to the other client browsers in real time.

Attached is the showcase video:


Fork me on Github:

Author: fyhao

Jebsen & Jessen Comms Singapore INTI University College Bsc (Hon) of Computer Science, Coventry University

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