NodeBB – A Node JS Based Forum Software, have a vibrant community and it is a mature, modern forum software, you get community support and official technical support. It has a plugin, themes, templates developer community market where you can get to customise your forum.
I setup NodeBB totally on Cloud 9 IDE free hosting following this great tutorial from NodeBB, It supports MongoDB and Redis and I use the Redis by following the tutorial. It just works great.
To practice writing NodeBB plugin, I decided to port the successive Imgshow Plugin on Discuz! to NodeBB. After you install NodeBB software, you can install my Imgshow plugin via following command
npm install nodebb-plugin-imgshow
After that, restart your forum software, and then go to Administrator page to enable the plugin.
Please refer this topic for more information on the release of nodebb-plugin-imgshow
This is my first time to npm publish package also, the publishing flow quite straightforward.