Diffie and Hellman Win Turing Award
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/technology/cryptography-pioneers-to-win-turing-award.html
Diffie and Hellman Win Turing Award
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/technology/cryptography-pioneers-to-win-turing-award.html
安全曾让Java蒙羞,安全也让Java重获新生。在2014 Pwn20wn黑客大会上,Java成为唯一没有被攻破的平台。而在2015的会议中,Pwn20wn甚至没有把Java列在攻击名单上。
另一Java受惠者是Twitter。一开始Twitter是用Ruby on Rails编写的,但是随着用户数的增长RoR逐渐显得力不从心。Fail Whale(失败鲸)的宕机画面预示着瓶颈问题亟需解决。在2012年,Twitter从RoR转向了Java和Scala,而失败鲸从此灭绝了。
ReSnap – A Smart Automated Photo Book Creation Platform
ReSnap, a company that automatically creates a book of photographs from a range of sources, has announced an update for its beta platform, with a revamped platform that allows you to upload photos from local storage – it will then automatically pick the best images from the selection without you having to do anything.
http://thenextweb.com/insider/2015/04/23/resnap-expands-its-smart-automated-photo-book-creation-platform/ http://thenextweb.com/apps/2014/04/24/resnap-retools-print-demand-photo-book-platform-work-virtually-big-data-source/Devoxx 2014 Interviews: Firebase for mobile clients …
The video shows what and how OpenSSL Bug Heartbleed affects the public.
Security researchers say the bug, which affects software used by two out of every three web servers, made personal info vulnerable to attackers.