Akshell.com Online IDE for Server Side Javascript

Akshell.com is an online IDE for Server Side Javascript, built on Google V8.
Have a try and tell me your experience.

It is awesome stuff, you don’t really need to download anything but you can develop and debug directly in the online IDE. I am able to build imgshow client API using this language and will be open source soon.

4d88 Check 4D Website


Hey, everybody, just come this simple website where to check the Malaysian 4D result. It comprises of Damacai 1+3D, Toto 4D, Magnum 4D.

And also it supported for WAP 2.0 access. It is only 1 – 2 cents for one access load.


So that you can check your result everywhere as you wish.

Synchronized Update on WAP and Website with the Portal

This result on WAP and the website is synchronized with the portal website, it is no delay and also no differences visiting both portals.

It is very beautiful.


刚刚花了半天的时间,大概的把投票程序放上了Facebook,大概的 Application Logic 都已经放上去了。现在只是需要接下来的日子来完善它。对了,我还得要制作一个 Logo 给它呵。

这个程序,能放在 Blog,如 Blogspot;论坛,如 Discuz! 的边栏插件,以及任何一个的网页,现在也能放在 Facebook,如果你喜欢,你也可以 Add to your page。



That is very welcome for you to come to my Facebook Qxinnet Vote Application…