Node.JS playground 20111211

This weekend I played around with Node.JS, all around JavaScript. Here some notes.

I sign up for Tropo and set up some sample code to play with the telephony related stuff. It is free to test when in developing mode until your apps run into production mode then need to pay.

I simply played say.js, it is a text-to-speech engine in Node.JS, supports Mac OS X and Linux. It used Mac built-in text to speech engine while in Linux it requires Festival to be installed.

Another great library brain.js, it is able to build neural networks on Node.JS and client browser, purely written in JavaScript. Neural network is an Artificial Intelligence technique that mostly used in forecasting and prediction field.

Another library cron.js, it is able to schedule recurring jobs in Node.JS. It used Unix’s Cron liked expression to trigger the job.

Both of them just provide easier to use API that easily integrated into any enterprise application.

Node.JS is a relatively new programming language but its community grows extremely fast. There are many exciting libraries built into Node.JS. It may still not yet suitable for enterprise application but some of the organizations had tried to use it in production, for example, Linked In used Node.JS to build its entire mobile site platform.

Author: fyhao

Jebsen & Jessen Comms Singapore INTI University College Bsc (Hon) of Computer Science, Coventry University

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