Washing Machine Reminder

Few weeks ago, I written a simple apps to remind me for washing machines finished washing my clothes and have me to collect it. OK, my apps is really simple, not linking to washing machines, just schedule a reminder, say 1 hour later, then will continue remind me every x min (send/spam my notification).

The apps has a mobile apps interface. Two functions: Create a reminder, Check Out (Used when I personally collect the clothes). Various server side back end support the reminder feature. Once checkout, the time I create reminder, the time I check out reminder, is inserted into database for history record purpose.

The reminder is created on server side, linking to my existing reminder apps, cron job apps and Notification apps. These three existing apps acts like a base to support my washing machine apps. My Notification apps now supports three types of notification, Apple APN Push Notification, Google GCM, PushBullet. So I will receive the notification on iPhone/iPad/Samsung Galaxy Phone/ Or even Google chrome desktop (via PushBullet).

Author: fyhao

Jebsen & Jessen Comms Singapore INTI University College Bsc (Hon) of Computer Science, Coventry University

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