Recently, Anonymous the online activist group had attacked many countries’ government sites because of the censorship move against the internet. United States, Turkish, and Malaysia had been targeted around these days.
The reasons released by Anonymous on Pastebin said why they want to attack Malaysian’s site is because Malaysia Government had blocked some popular file sharing or pirate downloading website which infringed copyrighted law. Around 41 Malaysian Government site had been attacked. It raised a big security concerns to Malaysian Government site.
Is it blocking copyrighted site is a good way? By right, we should respect copyright. But, still few of people love to use pirate software or watch pirate movie because it is cheaper. Government should educate people to respect copyright but not blocking the site, BUT, it is hard to debate actually.
I know the motive of Anonymous is to help protecting basic human rights. There is good and bad of this attack. Hard to debate. But through this attack we can know how secure the website, how many loopholes found in the website, and we are going to enhance or fix it.